Experimental assessment of the possibilities of increasing the efficiency of strength training of older preschoolers to fulfill the regulatory requirements of the GTO complex


Dr. Hab., Professor L.A. Semyonov1
Master student I.R. Karpenko1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to identify the feasibility of physical exercises that can ensure the preparation of preschool children to fulfill the regulatory requirements of the GTO complex of the 1st stage in terms of strength indicators.
Methods and structure of the study. During the experiment, the testing methods for assessing strength were used, provided for by the GTO complex (“pulling up on a high crossbar” - boys; “flexion - extension of the arms in the lying position”; “lifting - lowering the body from a supine position”). The effectiveness of the formative experiment was assessed by the performance of children in passing the GTO standards according to the above test methods.
Research results and conclusions. The main condition for the holistic performance of test exercises in the process of strength training of preschool children is the use of facilitating techniques that allow the child to avoid any significant effort. Facilitating techniques include: changing the position of the body (initial and in the process of execution); helping a child; decrease in the amplitude of movement; fragmentation of tasks, etc.

Keywords: GTO complex, preschool children, physical education, strength training, regulatory requirements, test methods, holistic exercises, relief techniques.


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