Prospects for the development of master's education in the field of physical culture and sports in the context of a changing educational paradigm


PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Mukhina
Smolensk State University of Sports, Smolensk

Objective of the study was to consider the current directions of modernization of master's education in the field of physical culture and sports in the context of the changing educational priorities of the state.
Methods and structure of the study. A long-term pedagogical research dedicated to the actualization of master's education in the field of physical culture and sports, conducted on the basis of the Smolensk State University of Sports, has been carried out. Conclusions about the expediency of developing and improving the training of masters in the field of physical culture are based on: data from multivariate analysis and synthesis of research literature on the research problem; the results of comprehensive pedagogical monitoring of master's programs implemented in Russian universities that provide physical education; materials of an expert survey of industry specialists.
Results and conclusions. The specificity of master's training, expressed in in-depth scientific orientation and professional orientation, allows maintaining the continuity of existing academic levels. The development of the magistracy in the format of changing the modern educational priorities of higher education is a complex progressive process, the success of which can be facilitated by innovative author's projects. The concept of educational and professional management, indicated in the text of this publication, can be considered as an example of the practical implementation of this direction.

Keywords: master's education, state priorities, the branch of physical culture and sports, educational and professional management.


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