Formation of ethnic tolerance among Russian schoolchildren by means of psycho-corporeal physical culture practices in China
Postgraduate student Haoshuang Wang1
Dr. Hab., Professor G.N. Germanov1
1Russian University Sports (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Keywords: polyethnic education, ethnic tolerance, secondary school students, psychothelic physical culture practices of China.
Introduction. Tolerance is one of the fundamental values in the modern world. The most important area of activity where the formation of tolerance is recognized as a state task is the field of education. In this regard, one of the most important directions for further development and improvement of the educational process in Russian schools may be the introduction of eastern physical education practices, in particular, the psychothelic practices of China – "Taijiquan Gymnastics 24 forms", into physical education activities, which will ensure the expansion of motor space, and also have a positive impact on the formation of ethnic tolerance of Russian schoolchildren, for showing tolerance to students of other ethnic groups [1-3].
The purpose of the study is to introduce eastern physical education practices, in particular, psychothelic practices of China – "Taijiquan Gymnastics 24 forms".
Methodology and organization of the study. Ninth grade students took part in the pedagogical experiment. The control group (KG) consisted of schoolchildren who study Chinese in depth and study according to the standard physical education curriculum. The experimental (EG) group was engaged in a program with an expanded ethnocomponent in a variable part based on the psychothelic practices of China. To determine the level of tolerance, indicators of subscales and tolerance index were used according to the methodology of G. U. Soldatova, O. A. Kravtsova, O. E. Khukhlaeva, L. A. Shaiger's "Tolerance Index".
The results of the study and their discussion. As a result of the experiment, differences in group indicators of ethnic identity, cognitive and affective components between EG and KG were not revealed. The tolerance index in the experimental group was higher than in the control group of linguists (IT–X—=82.2>77.6; U-empirical=97, p<0.05). In general, a decrease in the index indicators is recorded in the age aspect. In the experimental group, very high rates of growth were observed from the initial level of the group indicator of EI – ethnic identity (17.9%), CE – indicator of the cognitive component of ethnic identity (18.5%), AE – indicator of the affective component of ethnic identity (21.4%), IT – tolerance index (13.9%).
It can be stated that national practice-oriented methods have contributed to the growth of ethnic tolerance.
Conclusions. An innovative training program for Russian ninth grade schoolchildren using the means of psychothelic physical training practices in China ("Taijiquan Gymnastics 24 forms") has become effective both in the development of coordination abilities of schoolchildren and in the development of conditioning abilities (strength, speed, endurance). This testifies to the effectiveness of the experimental program based on plastic and breathing exercises, which, as well as energy-intensive speed-strength and cyclic exercises of sports disciplines of the integrated physical education program V. I. Lyakh, A. A. Zdanevich (2006-2011), has a positive effect on the physical fitness of schoolchildren.
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