Development of flexibility in the process of mastering balances by young gymnasts at the stage of initial education
PhD, Associate Professor O.P. Vlasova1
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.V. Korichko2
Master student A.A. Krasova2
A.A. Korichko2
1Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg
2Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
Objective of the study was to develop and justify the use of a series of special exercises for the development of flexibility, taking into account the consistent mastering by young gymnasts of elements from the structural group "Balance" at the stage of initial training.
Methods and structure of the study. A series of special exercises for flexibility and mobility in the joints has been developed for the stage-by-stage training of elements from the "Balance" structural group at the stage of initial training in rhythmic gymnastics. The experiment involved young gymnasts 6-7 years old, who are engaged in groups of initial training, which made up the control and experimental groups.
Results and conclusions. The process of flexibility development is presented by the authors in three stages. The orientation of the first stage (articular gymnastics) assumed the predominant development of passive mobility in the ankle, hip and shoulder joints, necessary for the formation of a "school" of movements. The second stage (specialized mobility in the joints) included the use of special exercises for flexibility with their implementation in terms of amplitudes, direction of movements in accordance with the mastered elements from the structural group "Balance". At the third stage, one of the directions for the implementation of the mastered elements from the structural groups was the performance of compositions without an object used by young gymnasts in competitive activities.
The developed series of exercises made it possible in a short time to improve the quality of performance by gymnasts of various types of balances.
Keywords: rhythmic gymnastics, flexibility, training, balance, series of exercises.
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