Algorithm for assessing the prospectiveness of teenagers for specialized mini-football (futsal) classes


O.V. Vorobey1
E.A. Maslova1
T.N. Deripaskо1

1Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop and substantiate an algorithm for assessing the prospects of adolescents for specialized mini-football (futsal) classes.
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of scientific work (2021-2022), the method of expert assessments of various aspects of the preparedness of adolescents aged 13-14 years old, involved in mini-football at the «Sergiev Posad» Sports School in the Sergiev Posad city district of the Moscow region, was used. Leading mini-football (futsal) coaches from Moscow and the Moscow region in the amount of 10 people acted as experts. When determining the scores, the experts had to take into account their own criteria for intraspecific orientation; quantitative and qualitative aspects of various game actions; the ability to apply technical skills in a competitive situation, as well as those indicators of tactical readiness, which the experts pointed out in the process of questioning. Based on an expert assessment of prognostic significant factors and correlation analysis of indicators, a scale for assessing the prospects of young athletes was developed.
Results and conclusions. The success of the training process with teenagers in mini-football (futsal) largely depends on the timeliness and algorithm for assessing the player's prospects for specialized activities in the chosen sport. When determining the norms of motor activity, strict differentiation is necessary in accordance with age. Taking into account the age-related features of the development of motor qualities is first of all necessary to determine the effective methodology for their improvement and to determine the allowable training loads.

Keywords: mini-football (futsal), sports selection, view orientation, specialized classes.


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