Determination of significant professional-pedagogical and informational knowledge and skills of sports coaches by the method of pair comparison
Dr. Hab., Professor M.G. Kolyada1
PhD, Associate Professor T.I. Bugaeva1
Postgraduate student E.Yu. Donichenko1
1Donetsk National University, Donetsk
Objective of the study was to determine the degree of importance of the knowledge and skills of practicing trainers through the implementation of the pairwise comparison method.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved 32 practitioners. Trainers-experts were asked to consider lists of knowledge and skills from two areas: informational and professional-pedagogical activities. In accordance with the method of pairwise comparison, a comparative assessment of knowledge/skill indicators in pairs was carried out in order to determine which of them is preferable, that is, the most significant for the respondent.
Results and conclusions. As the study showed, the competencies of using training software, including modeling and forecasting systems, as well as intelligent systems for processing sports and training data, are becoming the most demanded at present. It is important for future coaches to have a high level of didactic and methodological knowledge and skills in the field of sports training, pedagogy and psychology of physical culture and sports.
Keywords: paired comparison method, degree of importance of competencies, practicing trainer, informational and professional-pedagogical knowledge and skills.
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