Training of young athletes in short distance run in the annual training cycle
Wu Hao1
M.S. Kozhedub1
Dr. Hab., Professor E.P. Vrublevskiy1
Skorina Gomel State University, Gomel, Belarus
Objective of the study was to develop and substantiate a methodology for organizing the training of sprinters aged 15-17 years in the macrocycles of the annual training cycle.
Methods and structure of the study. A methodology has been developed for organizing the training of female sprinters at the stage of in-depth specialization in the macrocycles of the annual training cycle, which includes the predicted dynamics of the indicators of the special fitness of female athletes, as well as a rational combination of the main training facilities and the distribution of their volume, taking into account the specifics of the training of female runners at a given time interval of the annual cycle. The scheme of the mesocycle of training of athletes, individualized in accordance with the biorhythmics of their body, is also specified.
The developed methodology was tested in the training process of 12 sprinters, and its effectiveness was assessed by the magnitude of the increase in sports results and indicators in control tests compared to the previous year.
Results and conclusions. The nature and the dominant orientation of the training effects of sprinters aged 15-17 by months of the training macrocycle have been determined. The data obtained indicate that the modulation of the load parameters in terms of magnitude and direction, as well as the content and nature, should correspond not only to the strategic goals of training female athletes in the macrocycle, but also be commensurate with the biorhythmological patterns of the functioning of their body in the mesocycle. The results of the pedagogical experiment showed the productivity of the developed methodology and the feasibility of an individual approach in the implementation of the training process.
Keywords: organization, annual cycle, load distribution, sprinters, means, volume, intensity, body biorhythm.
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