Analysis of indicators of the training process in the practice of ski jumping for youth 12-14 years old


A.N. Belyova1
G.G. Zakharov1

PhD N.B. Novikova1
1Saint- Petersburg Scientific-Research Institute for Physical Culture, St. Petersburg

Keywords: ski jumping, general ski training, special physical training, planning of training facilities, questionnaire survey.

Introduction. One of the reserves for improving performance in ski jumping is improving the methods of sports training, starting from childhood, studying and systematizing the practical experience of coaches, analyzing the tools and methods used for their subsequent optimization.
The purpose of the study is to identify the means and methods of general and special training used in the modern practice of ski jumping in an annual cycle.
Methodology and organization of the study. A questionnaire survey of 16 coaches from 10 regions of Russia was conducted. The coaches answered five questions concerning the general and special physical training of ski jumpers aged 12-14 years, and filled out a table with indicators of the training process by month.
The results of the study and their discussion. The survey showed that at the training stage, on average, the amount of technical training meets the requirements of the Federal Standard of Sports Training by Sport (FSSP) for athletes who have been training for more than two years (33,18±12,7%) [1]. The average values of the volume of general physical training are significantly lower (32.27±11.26%) than recommended for athletes of the 1st-2nd year of training (42-52%), and the volume of special training exceeds the recommended (33.64±10.51%).
The volume of training load of young athletes per year averages 277 ± 35.83 training sessions, of which 128.33 ± 24.43 is allocated to classes on the springboard. During this time, athletes perform 1303 ± 302.6 jumps, which generally corresponds to the recommended standards [2]. On average, 323.87±255.27 hours are allocated to general physical training instead of the 217-209 hours recommended by sports programs. The use of large volumes of strength exercises in the transition period (up to 40 hours) was revealed, while the volume of sports and outdoor games is insufficient (12-15 hours). Special physical training of young ski jumpers in the annual cycle is given an average of 352.33 ± 174.05 hours instead of the recommended 114-284 hours.
In general, 792.87 ±456.1 hours per year are allocated to general and special physical training in ski jumping practice, which indicates that a number of regions clearly exceed the recommended time (624-936 hours) allocated for all types of training per year.
Conclusion. The survey made it possible to determine the average indicators of the training process of young ski jumpers and to identify reserves for improving the methods of sports training at the training stage. Significant differences between the volumes of workloads performed in the regions indicate the absence of a unified training methodology. Overestimated volumes of SFP can be the reason for forcing results in younger adolescence. The conducted research showed the need to improve the training methods of young ski jumpers.


  1. Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Federal Standard of sports training in the sport of ski jumping" dated 30.06.2021 No. 490. – URL: (date of application: 11.07.2022).
  2. Educational program of additional education of children in the sport "ski jumping". – St. Petersburg: GBU DOD SDYUSSHOR for ski jumping and cross-country skiing in the Vyborg district of St. Petersburg, 2013. – 58 p.