Diagnosis of sports attention of tennis players with hearing impairment


PhD, Associate Professor MohanedAl Khalili1
I.O. Abitaev1
S.M. Al Khalili1

1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to determine the level of indicators of sports attention of the leading tennis players of the Russian national team with hearing impairment.
Methods and structure of the study. The testing was carried out on the basis of the Center for Innovative Sports Technologies and Training of National Teams of the Moscow Department of Sports twice: the first on December 3, 2020, and the second on April 3, 2021. Eight tennis players, masters of sports (MS) took part in the study and masters of sports of Russia of international class (MSIC) with hearing impairment. To assess sports attention in tennis players with hearing impairment, tests were used to determine: the ability of athletes to track several dynamic objects; leg selection reaction time; hand selection reaction time.
Results and conclusions. Diagnostics of the ability to track several dynamic objects showed that the average value of the indicators for the subjects of the MSIC is from 1.56 points to 1.76 points, for the subjects of the MS - from 0.78 points to 0.79 points. As regards the reaction time of tennis players' leg choice, the MSIC subjects perform this test more efficiently with their left leg. In MS, both legs are close to normal. Evaluation of the hand selection reaction time of tennis players with hearing impairment showed that this indicator worsened at the end of the experiment in both groups of MSIC and MS.
Thus, the diagnostics of sports attention of tennis players with hearing impairment allows to objectively evaluate its influence on the development of athletes' motor qualities and develop individual practical recommendations for improving their technical and tactical skills.

Keywords: diagnostics, attention, tennis players.


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