Content of the concept "Professional sports culture of personality"


PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Zvyagintsev1
PhD E.N. Zvyagintseva1
1Kuzbass Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Novokuznetsk

Objective of the study was to present the content of the concept of professional sports culture of a person.
Results and conclusions. In the field of professionally applied physical training, the formation of sports culture is conditioned by the factors of further professional activity of students of higher educational institutions: work with a specific contingent, irregular working hours, conditions associated with the risk of life; the ability to find solutions in a difficult situation, constant stress, a large amount of non-specific work, etc. preparation for the successful performance of labor duties (or preparation for its implementation).
The concept of "professional sports culture of the individual" covers the area of ​​knowledge, skills and abilities associated with the development of sports activities aimed at performing official duties. In addition to this concept, professional applied skills are formed by various types of sports training, the versatility of which allows you to harmoniously form the personality of a future specialist.

Keywords: physical training, physical education, physical culture, sports, sports culture, professional sports culture of the individual.


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