Preferences and satisfaction from students physical education
Postgraduate student M.A. Sharovarova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.T. Kolunin1
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen
Objective of the study was to study the attitude of students to physical culture and sports, needs and preferences in elective courses, self-assessment of their health and physical fitness.
Methods and structure of the study. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: questioning, the method of mathematical statistics, the method of correlation and comparative analysis.
Results and conclusions. The survey showed that the students surveyed note their health level is above average, and their physical form is good and satisfactory. Most of the students are satisfied with physical culture lessons and have chosen those sports disciplines that they have already been involved in. Also, the majority of respondents expressed a desire to go to the gym according to individual plans.
Keywords: physical culture, sports, students, satisfaction, preferences, self-assessment.
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