Influence of the anatomical structure of the body of children of primary school age on the results in swimming
A.S. Kariauli
Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk
Objective of the study was to determine the dependence of swimming technique and speed on the anatomical structure and body size of children of primary school age.
Methods and structure of the study. A scientific study was conducted with the participation of swimmers from a health-improving group in the H2O pool in Petrozavodsk. The group consisted of 25 children of the second year of study, including 10 girls and 15 boys aged 6-7 years. Anthropometric data were measured in the participants of the experiment, the speed indicators of swimming various distances were tested, and the analysis of the dependence of the sports result on the size of the body links was carried out.
Results and conclusions. The obtained results of the study indicate that anthropometric data do not have a direct influence on sports results in young children. To a greater extent, the level of mastery of the swimming technique, the awareness of the implementation of motor movements, the ability to listen to the coach and the motivation to go in for sports have an impact. However, in the future, with the growth of technical skill, anthropometric parameters will more and more imprint on speed qualities. When selecting children for swimming, coaches should take into account the characteristics and size of their physique, as well as mobility in the joints, but these criteria will not be decisive.
Keywords: anatomical structure of the body of children, swimming technique.
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