Peculiarities of the heart rhythm of qualified wrestlers under increasing physical load
PhD, Associate Professor A.B. Petrov1, 2
Applicant A.M. Firago1
PhD, Associate Professor A.N. Denisenko1
Dr. Hab., Professor N.Yu. Nerobeev1
PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Nerobeeva3
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg
2Almazov National Medical Research Centre, St. Petersburg
3St Petersburg University, St. Petersburg
Heart rate (HR) responds to physical activity (PA) not only by increasing the frequency, but also by changing the difference between adjacent cardio intervals (CI). This variability is also an indicator of load tolerance.
Objective of the study was to reveal the dynamics of differences in cardio intervals of skilled wrestlers during different periods of increasing physical activity.
Methods and structure of the study. A group of active athletes (24 people) was examined: Masters of Sports - wrestling (sambo, judo, universal fight). The stress test (veloergo-) was carried out according to an individual RAMP protocol with an increment of 30 W. The digitized electrocardiogram was converted into a sequential time series of cardio intervals. We studied the dynamics of differences between adjacent cardio intervals (pX): prestart - 30 seconds preceding the start of ergometry; start - 30 seconds from the start of rotational locomotion with a load of 50 W; the entire load period - every minute. The pX values, where p is the % of differences from the total number in the array, X is the value of the difference between adjacent cardio intervals in ms, were calculated in Microsoft Excel tables. Since the data distribution differed from normal, they were presented as a percentile (Pc) series (25-Me-75).
Results and conclusions. The achievement of the limiting level of physical activity is manifested by: an increase in the participation of short intervals (NN2-4-6): the maximum increase by 1 min of load, a high stable level for 1-3 min, a slow decrease by 9 min; actually stable participation of the central intervals; a more pronounced drop to 1 min load, stability for 1-3 min and a smooth upward trend towards 9 min from long intervals.
The revealed regularities characterize the features of the formation of tolerance to increasing physical load in wrestlers of various specializations. The dynamics of tolerance probably carries markers of individual and optimal fitness.
Keywords: bicycle ergometry, variability of RR-intervals.
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