Use of optimal power load in training single competitors
PhD, Associate Professor M.Yu. Stepanov1
PhD, Associate Professor M.B. Salamatov2
1Tchaikovsky State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, Tchaikovsky
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to conceptually substantiate the use of the optimal power load in the preparation of combatants.
Results and conclusions. The article presents Russian and foreign studies devoted to determining the optimal power and speed load in the preparation of athletes. The results of these studies prove the need to take into account the power and speed of sports movement. Accounting for these indicators in martial arts is solved using the control and measuring simulator KIT-70. The mode of use of the non-inertia control and measuring simulator depends on the stage of preparation with an emphasis on strength, power or speed of sports movement. SmartPower technology allows you to monitor the vector effort of a sports movement in real time, which allows you to optimally manage your training. The effectiveness of this technology is reflected in numerous studies.
Keywords: SmartPower technology, maximum power of sports movement, inertialess control and measuring simulator of vector force with feedback.
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