Control of the functional state of highly qualified thai boxers at the pre-competitive stage of preparation


PhD, Associate Professor M.Yu. Stepanov1
PhD, Associate Professor G.S. Maltsev1
R.V. Mustaev1
K.S. Shakhtarin1

1Tchaikovsky State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, Tchaikovsky

Objective of the study was to assess the level of training of highly qualified Thai boxers as part of a training event in preparation for the 2019 World Championship.
Methods and structure of the study. The training camp was held from 07.06.2019 to 07.18.2019 on the basis of the Russian national teams training center in the Moscow region. Numbers 1 and 2 of the men's and women's national team of Russia in the amount of 40 people took part in the training event. As part of the preparation, the sports form was assessed by the method of heart rate variability (HRV) using the diagnostic equipment of NPO Dynamics and the Omega-S program. To assess the total metabolic power, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, the delta ECG technique implemented in the D&K-Test program was used. Stress testing was carried out under the control of Polar H-10 heart monitors with Polar Team software and the SmartPower control and measuring simulator.
Results and conclusions. The integral indicator of sports form, as an arithmetic mean value (adaptation to physical activity, level of fitness, level of energy supply and psycho-emotional state), was in the range from 97 to 45. The index of tension of regulatory systems was in the range from 8 to 252. Diagnostics of the bioenergetic component revealed among members of the combined team of four representatives of the 5th bioenergetic group, 16 representatives of the 4th group, 17 athletes of the 3rd bioenergetic group, three athletes of the 2nd group, athletes of the 1st group were not found. The total metabolic capacity was in the range of 465-240, anaerobic capacity – 21-187, aerobic capacity – 162-290. Heart rate at the threshold of anaerobic support – 143-191.
Thus, when preparing members of the national team of the country in Thai boxing, it is necessary to control both the external manifestation of the load and evaluate the internal reaction to this load, using indicators of the bioenergetic component, heart rate variability, pulse during training and the power of sports movement. This approach allows you to make timely adjustments to the preparatory process and take control of the athlete's sports form.

Keywords: functional state of members of the Russian national team in Muay Thai, heart rate variability, ECG delta, SmartPower technology, total metabolic capacity, maximum anaerobic power of sports movement, heart rate, Polar Team software.


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