Problems and prospects of modern Russian tourism


Postgraduate student L.Yu. Stolz1
Dr. Sc. Soc., Professor I.V. Leskova2
S.Yu. Zyazin3
Dr. Hab., Professor A.A. Peredelsky4
1Michurinsk State Agrarian University, Michurinsk
2Russian State Social University, Moscow
3International Women's Academy «Aisha», Moscow
4Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify factors hindering the development of the modern Russian tourism industry, as well as to characterize the promising areas of this industry, taking into account the current Russian specifics.
Methods and structure of the study. In order to obtain primary information, a systematic qualitative review of publications on the stated issues was carried out. The content of scientific materials was chosen as the main resource of information. The content analysis method was used to select publications in the media for the purpose of subsequent purposeful interpretation of the identified patterns.
Results and conclusions. The phenomenon of Russian tourism is being discussed, which, on the one hand, has always had colossal social, historical and natural resources for successful development, and on the other hand, has always been considered by experts as a problem area for a number of factors. The question is raised about possible ways to improve the industry: improving institutional regulation, developing logistics and infrastructure, natural objects and ecosystems, effective use of historical and cultural heritage and historical city centers, promotion and marketing positioning.
It is concluded that there is a request for a review of the functioning of the Russian tourism industry, taking into account the rethinking of the logic of the concepts and indicators underlying the grant programs of Rostourism. The most successful practices, samples and developed experimental schemes should be supported at the state level.

Keywords: Russian tourism, current situation, Rostourism, grants, agritourism, medical tourism, sports tourism.


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