Organization of an inclusive training process in the group of initial training in table tennis
PhD, Associate Professor N.S. Safronova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.I. Nagaeva1
N.N. Vikulova1
K.V. Ermolenko2
1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol
2Sports school №3, Simferopol
Objective of the study was to reveal the features of the organization and individual results of the inclusive training process in the group of initial training in table tennis.
Methods and structure of the study. The process involved 32 athletes aged 8–9 years old who go in for table tennis at a sports school, including five with cerebral palsy (CP). The educational and training process was organized taking into account the interests of all participants in sports training. At the same time, children with cerebral palsy, like other athletes, successfully mastered the necessary technical elements of table tennis related to the capabilities of the upper limbs. During the classes, special attention was paid to the development of their statokinetic stability by corrective and compensatory means aimed at the lower limbs.
Results and conclusions. Children with cerebral palsy, assigned to functional group III, successfully master many of the technical elements of table tennis associated with the capabilities of less affected upper limbs. At the same time, when planning a sports training program, special attention should be paid to the development of statokinetic stability with the additional use of corrective and compensatory means aimed at the lower extremities.
Keywords: table tennis, inclusion, coordination abilities, cerebral palsy.
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