Factor structure of technical actions of highly qualified players limiting the efficiency competitive activity in futsal


Postgraduate student A.I. Revyakin1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Kulishenko1
Dr. Hab., Professor P.V. Kvashuk2
1Moscow Region State University, Moscow
2Federal Science Center of Physical Culture and Sport (VNIIFK), Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the factor structure of technical actions that limit the effectiveness of the competitive activity of highly qualified futsal players.
Methods and structure of the study. The technical and tactical indicators of the competitive activity of the Russian Super League players were obtained from the analytical platform InStat (futsal.instatscout.com). The features of the realization of the technical and tactical potential in the competitive activity of highly qualified players of the Super League of the Championship of Russia and foreign futsal teams were studied. The sample size was 64 players of the highest qualification. Factor analysis was carried out using a program for complex multivariate analysis and data processing in Statistica-8. Factor analysis was performed by the method of principal components.
Results and conclusions. As a result of the study, the factor structure of the technical actions of highly qualified futsal players was revealed. It has been established that the most significant factors that determine the level of technical skill of players in mini-football are: the accuracy of performing actions with the ball (ball control), the effectiveness of game combat with the opponent, the efficiency of attack development and the creation of scoring chances, the implementation of individual technical skill.

Keywords: highly qualified futsal players, factor analysis, players' technical skills.


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