Targeted development of strength abilities of junior biathletes in weapon type change period
Postgraduate student D.I. Ivanov
Tchaikovsky State Institute of Physical Culture, Tchaikovsky
Objective of the study was to provide theoretical and experimental substantiation of the need to develop junior biathletes’ strength abilities in the weapon type change period using a circuit training model.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved the junior biathletes with the sports qualifications of Class I-II. The trainings were conducted on the specialized sports grounds of Tchaikovsky city throughout the 2019-2020 competitive season. The study included a preparatory period with the targeted development of the subjects’ strength abilities and a competitive one aimed to preserve the conditions formed. Each stage was based on circuit trainings, with the blocks of different orientations.
Results and conclusions. The process of training of the 15-16 year-old biathletes was carried out against the background of the weapon type change and step-wise physiological processes in the body. The weapon carrying and shooting skills directly correlate with the level of development of the muscle force, which is complicated by the period of puberty. Therefore, due to the specificity of motor actions in biathlon, training sessions should be designed so that to develop certain muscle groups in the above-mentioned muscle activity modes, keeping to a strict time interval for exercises. The targeted development of strength abilities of the junior biathletes yielded significant changes at the sports specialization stage. Compliance with the algorithm of development of the muscle groups was proved by the improvement of the sports-technical result during the 2019-2020 competitive season by 34%, increase in the statistical average data on the biathletes’ strength fitness by 36%, and increase in the shooting and ski components by 19% and 5%, respectively.
Keywords: junior biathletes, targeted development, strength abilities, weapon type change period.
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