Measurement mechanisms to rate physical culture and sports organizations performance


A.S. Kariauli
Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk

Objective of the study was to analyze the degree of involvement of fitness club clients in sports and fitness activities.
Methods and structure of the study. The study included testing of the measurement mechanism for assessing the effectiveness of the work of fitness clubs. For this purpose, we conducted an online survey and analysis of the statistical material from the organization’s computer platform containing information on sex, age, attendance depending on the time of the day and day of the week, attendance of group practices.
Results and conclusions. Most of the fitness club clients are from 20 to 35 years. The number of women is twice that of men. Most men train in the gym only, while most women combine gym and group practices. The most popular groups are weight training, stretching, and yoga.
An increasing number of people practice sports at 7 p.m. on average, that is, after work/ study, most often on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The average length of training is 1 hour 12 min. Of all the club passes purchased, only 36% are used regularly (at least twice a week).
Proceeding from the data obtained, the authors proposed ways to involve more public in fitness clubs. The authors conclude that regular monitoring of the work of a fitness club would contribute to the improvement of its work, as well as to the involvement of an increasing number of people of different ages and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Keywords: fitness club, statistics, performance.


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