Jump serve reception trainings for men’s volleyball elite
N.A. Semenenko1
PhD V.A. Grigoriev2
PhD A.V. Dvornikov2
1Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO), Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to find the best jump serve reception and postural control techniques for men’s volleyball elite.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was timed to the 2020-21 Russian volleyball championship of the men's super league and supported by the statistical reports and match video replays.
Results and conclusion. The elite national jump servers were found to prefer the top-speed and hybrid serves, virtually never making resort to floaters. Our analysis of the theoretical and practical study reports found differences in the preparatory and core phases of the jump serve. Video replays of the 2020-21 Russian men’s volleyball championship matches demonstrate that the hybrid serve is mostly received underhand, with the core posture being the same as in case of the top-speed serve. Knowing the hybrid jump serve tactics and techniques, the training system will be designed to give due room for the underhand reception techniques within the 7-8m range for both the top-speed and floating jump serves; with a special priority to the hybrid jump serve reception underhand within the 8-9m range.
Keywords: elite men’s volleyball, jump serve, floater, reception posture
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