Constitution-specific finger patterning versus speed-strength progress analysis for athletes in long jumps
Dr.Biol., Professor R.V. Tambovtseva1
Y.S. Evstifeev1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to analyze the constitution-specific finger patterns versus the individual speed-strength progress in long jumping sport.
Methods and structure of the study. Hghly skilled long jumpers (n=20) were sampled for the study run at the Muscular Activity Bioenergetics Laboratory of the Volkov Sports Biochemistry and Bioenergetics Department. The individual constitutions were typed by the Heath-Carter methods using three tests of the body components to obtain mesomorphism (M), endomorphism (F), and ectomorphia (L) test rates (in points) and analyze them versus the individual predispositions for and progresses in the speed-strength trainings. The test data were processed by the Microsoft Excel 2019 mathematical statistics toolkit.
Results and conclusion. The study data and analyses found the LJ athletes of muscular and muscular-thoracic constitutions with finger pattern phenotypes 10L, WL, AL most successful in the speed-strength trainings. Progress of this subsample was verified by its excellent competitive accomplishments and Master of Sports qualifications.
Keywords: athletes, long jump, constitution, dermatoglyphics, high-speed power qualities, finger phenotype, energy production, performance.
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