Organization of sports infrastructure objects of agro-industrial complex enterprises
PhD, Associate Professor S.M. Pyatikopov1
Dr. Sc. Tech., Professor I.E. Lipkovich1
PhD, Associate Professor Zh.V. Matveykina1
S.A. Kovaleva1
1Azovo-Chernomorsk Engineering Institute, branch of the Don State Agrarian University, Zernograd
Objective of the study was to develop sports infrastructure facilities in agricultural enterprises and select a set of exercises to restore and maintain staff performance.
Methods and structure of the study. The article proposes a project for a multifunctional sports ground, which includes: a site for sports games, outdoor exercise equipment; for the organization of sports activities in the winter, the equipment of its own gym with a locker room and showers can serve.
Results and conclusions. For the organization of sports and health-improving activities at agricultural enterprises, the availability of appropriate equipment and training equipment is of great importance. An exemplary set of exercises according to the method of circular training for workers of agricultural enterprises is proposed.
Keywords: working capacity, sports, enterprises, personnel, simulator, exercises, fatigue, playground.
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