Modern Olympic values in the opinion paradigm of sports youth
PhD, Associate Professor E.D. Mitusova1
PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Andrianov1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Zelenkova1
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Simonyan1
PhD, Associate Professor O.A. Pogodina1
1State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Moscow Region, Kolomna
Objective of the study was to reveal the opinion of students about the modern Olympic values of elite sport.
Methods and structure of the study. A sociological survey was organized at the State Social and Humanitarian University (Kolomna) at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports among 1-4 year students of full-time and part-time departments. The questions of the questionnaire were aimed at revealing the attitude of students to the humanistic potential of the modern Olympic movement, to the idea of Olympism, to the conditions for its implementation in modern society, the prospects for the development of the Olympic movement and the further implementation of the ideas of Pierre de Coubertin in the modern Olympic movement.
Results and conclusions. As a sociological study showed, students - future specialists in the field of physical culture and sports - have a positive attitude towards the preservation of basic Olympic values in the context of the transformation of the modern sports movement. At the same time, it is noted that social contradictions of an ethical, political, psychological, gender nature, etc., have become actual in the sport of the highest achievements, the solution of which can be facilitated by the preservation and adaptation to modern conditions of the values of Olympism proclaimed by Pierre de Coubertin.
Keywords: Olympic values, modern sport, Olympism.
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