Application of "aerorehabilitation" in correction of motor disorders of children with complex developmental disorders


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor E.M. Golikova
Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg

Objective of the study was to study the effectiveness of the method of "aerorehabilitation" on the formation of movements (speed of action, steady state, balance) in children with complex developmental disorders.
Methods and structure of the study. In the first part of the experimental work, indicators of motor functions of children with complex developmental disorders were monitored, and the method of "aerorehabilitation" was tested in a test mode. In the second part of the experimental work, groups of children were selected (taking into account the degree of severity of impairments and individual characteristics) and classes in the wind tunnel were put into practice.
Results and conclusions. The tested method of "aerorehabilitation" in the test mode showed high results of various components of the psychomotor development of children. This made it possible to carry out diagnostics and select groups of children for a larger implementation of this method in the process of habilitation of children with complex developmental disorders. This method contributed to the growth of such indicators as the speed of action (by 11-25%), Standing Balance according to D.T. Wade (1992) (by 15-30%) and the level of spasticity according to the Ashworth Scale (10-30%).

Keywords: children with complex developmental disorders, "aerorehabilitation", physical rehabilitation, motor skills formation.


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