Use of ski training in the system of physical education of preschool children


PhD, Professor A.G. Batalov1
S.S. Dubrovinsky1
V.G. Senatskaya1

1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop a methodology aimed at developing the coordination abilities of preschoolers using ski training.
Methods and structure of the study. To determine the motor coordination of preschoolers, a pedagogical experiment was conducted on the basis of the state budgetary educational institution School No. 2103 (building No. 2, No. 7) in Moscow. The experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups were 6-7 years old children (preparatory groups of kindergarten) consisting of 20 people with I and II health groups. On the basis of the content analysis of the comprehensive general educational program "The World of Discoveries" in the system of preschool education, a methodology has been developed based on the development of coordination abilities using ski training.
Results and conclusions. The conditions for organizing the educational process of preschoolers with the use of ski training are described. In terms of physical readiness of children (6-7 years old) in the control and experimental groups, significant differences were revealed. According to the results of testing the subjects to assess the level of physical fitness and motor coordination in the EG, there were positive changes in connection with the applied complex of special preparatory exercises for skiing. The proposed methodology with the use of ski training can be used to develop guidelines for the structure and content of physical education classes with children in preschool institutions.

Keywords: senior preschool age, educational process, monitoring of physical readiness, means of ski training, motor coordination.


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