Features of physical development of first-year students of different profiles of vocational training


PhD, Associate Professor K.V. Sukhinina1
О.A. Dronina1
A.Yu. Kolesnikova2
A.A. Malevanny3

1Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk
2Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk
3Baikal State University, Irkutsk

Objective of the study was to identify the features of the physical development of first-year students, defined in the third functional group of health, depending on the profile of vocational training.
Methods and structure of the study. The work used methods for assessing anthropometric, physiometric, functional indicators of 179 first-year students, 115 girls and 64 boys studying at the Irkutsk State University. The students were divided into groups according to the profiles of vocational training: humanitarian, natural-biological, physical-mathematical.
Results and conclusions. Dependences between indicators of physical development - body length, respiratory volume, indicators of dynamometry in girls, depending on the profile of training, have been established. In boys, relationships were found between indicators of body length, lung volume and levels of systolic blood pressure and training profile. Young men of the natural biological profile of education were characterized by high body length, high levels of systolic blood pressure and the highest lung volume compared to students of other profiles of education. The results obtained on the patterns of physical development in girls and boys who have chosen a certain profile of education can be used as methodological additions to the work programs of the discipline “Physical culture and sports. Elective courses in physical culture and sports”.

Keywords: first-year students, anthropometric indicators, physiometric indicators, professional training profile, the third functional group of health, physical development.


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