Criteria for formation of competences of control activity at training lessons of future teachers of physical culture and sports
O.S. Oleinik
Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Donetsk People's Republic
Objective of the study was to develop criteria for the formation of competencies of control activity at training sessions for future teachers of physical culture and sports.
Results and conclusions. The criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the pedagogical control system in the professional training of future teachers of physical culture and sports are substantiated from the standpoint of the effectiveness of the results obtained for analysis, and the quality of control information depends on the techniques and methods that underlie their receipt.
The motivational component of the criterion characterizes the motivations of the future trainer-teacher, expressed through the presence or absence of awareness of the significance of the obtained competencies of control activity in the process of his preparation.
The cognitive component of the criterion reveals the formed knowledge and ideas about various aspects of pedagogical control.
The operational-activity component of the criterion shows the formed operational-procedural and activity skills and skills of using all types of pedagogical control and the ability to use the tools of registration, measurement, analysis and generalization, from the standpoint of their application in training sessions.
The reflexive-value component of the criterion reveals reflexive and evaluative abilities in the formation of the subject position of control activity (including one's own), aimed at their improvement, through readiness for analysis and awareness of one's own position regarding the effectiveness of this activity.
The systematization of approaches to identifying the criteria and indicators of the formation of competencies of control activity has shown that all of them have an integrative nature and are interpreted, in fact, identically: as new formations of a sports personality, reflecting the state of both individual and professional-operational components of control activity.
Keywords: criteria for the formation of competencies, indicators of formation, control activity, teacher of physical culture and sports, training sessions.
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