Content and difficulty of group exercises with three hoops and two pairs of maces of the finalist teams at the games of the XXXII Olympiad


Postgraduate student U Di1
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Novikova1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to determine the content of group exercises with three hoops and two pairs of maces of the strongest teams in the world.
Methods and structure of the study. The material for the research was a video recording of the performance of the finalist teams in group exercises with three hoops and two pairs of maces at the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo.
Results and conclusions. В In rhythmic gymnastics, the final competitive result is significantly influenced by the difficulty score. In the course of the research, the average group indicators of the technical value of the body elements (1.93 points) and apparatus (31.06 points) of the strongest teams in the world in group exercises with three hoops and two pairs of maces were identified following the results of the Olympic Games in Tokyo 2021.

Keywords: group exercises with three hoops and two pairs of maces, technical value of elements, model characteristics.


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