Development of the speed of the doleo chagi kick with the niter leg with the help of the impact method in taekwondo
Yu.B. Kalashnikov1
PhD, Associate Professor O.B. Malkov2
A.A. Kaplev3
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow
3Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan
Objective of the study was to consider the possibilities of using the shock method to increase the speed of performing the dominant blow of the doleo chagi with the near leg in the preparation of qualified taekwondo girls.
Methods and structure of the study. The experimental group consisted of nine taekwondo girls Candidate Master of Sports and Master of Sports. Taekwondo fighters performed a doleo chagi strike with their near leg with a jump while jumping off a stack of folded mats 20–30 cm high. 33 ml), when analyzing the video material with the average position of the moving part of the body, the fixed moments in the frame were added or decreased by half a frame, i.e. 4.16 ml.
Results and conclusions. The shock method is an effective tool for highly trained taekwondo athletes in increasing the speed during fights, and jumping work is enough in the training process. It is advisable to use the percussion method after preliminary training of the ankle. Otherwise, “sticking” to the floor of the heel will form a negative skill - a double start or slowdown at the start, which reduces the speed of impact.
Keywords: development of speed, side kick with the near leg, shock method of training.
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