Student team sports survey to estimate teamwork efficiency
Postgraduate student M.I. Minikh1
Dr. Hab., Professor I.V. Manzheley1
1Tyumen State University, Tyumen
Objective of the study was to develop a set of teamwork efficiency criteria for student team sports.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the survey sports experts (n= 153) in 10 regions of the Russian Federation including 120 athletes, 20 referees and 13 coaches of successful and unsuccessful student team sports (volleyball, basketball, football) groups. We mined data for the study by an online questionnaire survey with a special focus on the teamwork and interaction skills and climates in the sport teams to put together the teamwork efficiency criteria.
Results and conclusion. The sample ranked the teamwork efficiency criteria as follows: mutual support; teamwork skills; determination and diligence in trainings and competitions; emotionality control skills of athletes and coaches; coaching efficiency i.e. the game controls with brief, timely and positive motives and instructions.
Keywords: team sports, students, sport team, teamwork efficiency, interpersonal relations, team composing.
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