Development of volitional qualities in the educational and training process of volleyball players
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Kardanova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.N. Konoplev1
PhD, Associate Professor T.Yu. Cherkesov1
1Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov, Nalchik
Keywords: will, strong-willed qualities, correctional program, volleyball athletes, perseverance, perseverance, courage, determination, independence, initiative, purposefulness.
Introduction. The complexity of motor actions in volleyball, the short duration of touching the ball, prolonged attention strain, acute competitive struggle, including all sports activities, require a lot of willpower from the athlete [1, 2]. For the effective development of volitional qualities, volleyball players need both purposeful and systematic educational work of the coach and self-education of athletes.
The purpose of the study is to develop and experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of a special correctional program aimed at developing strong–willed qualities in the educational and training process of volleyball players.
Methodology and organization of the study. The experiment was conducted on the basis of the sports school No. 1 in volleyball and mini-football of the Nalchik city district. The experimental study involved 16 athletes aged 13-14 years (18 people each in the control and experimental groups). The duration of the experimental study was 1.5 years. The sections of the correctional program included techniques and methods of work of the current coach of the team, based on the individual characteristics of the contingent of the studied volleyball players. The correctional program was presented in the following sections: "Fundamentals of knowledge on the development of the volitional sphere of athletes", "Techniques for activating volitional efforts in the training process", "Specific tasks and techniques for the development of willpower and special volitional qualities", "Improving the general and special physical fitness of athletes".
The results of the study and their discussion. A comparative analysis of the results of a formative experiment to assess the willpower of volleyball players showed that in EG, the increase in results was 6.6 points, while in KG – only 1.1 points; in perseverance and perseverance, the increase in EG was 6.5 points, in KG – 0.5 points; in assessing the courage and determination of athletes in EG, the increase was 6.2 points, in KG – 1.7 points; when assessing independence and initiative in EG, the increase was 5.4 points, in KG – 2.4 points; in terms of the purposefulness of EG volleyball players, the increase in results was 4.5 points, KG athletes - 1.8 points (p>0.05).
Conclusions. The development of strong-willed qualities and the upbringing of a sporting character is carried out through the formation of a conscious attitude of volleyball players to various aspects of the training process: to the current and upcoming workload, to neuropsychic stresses, to overcoming difficulties of an objective and subjective nature. The revealed significant increase in the indicators of volitional qualities of volleyball players of the experimental group allows us to consider the program developed by us for the development of volitional qualities effective and recommend it for use in the training process of volleyball players of various levels of sportsmanship.
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