Evaluation of the efficiency of training process management by a modern children's coach


Dr. Hab., Professor V.P. Guba1
PhD, Associate Professor P.V. Pustoshilo2
PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Zainetdinov2
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
2Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow

Keywords: training process, coach, components of pedagogical activity, cycle, planning, coach's diary, athlete's diary.

The purpose of the study is to study the professionogram of a modern children's coach, to identify weaknesses in the components of his pedagogical activity.
Methodology and organization of the study. The work was attended by 50 coaches of children's sports schools in Moscow, representing 25 different sports. Each of them had quite a lot of experience working with his contingent (at least 10 years). The main method of collecting information was the questionnaire method. The questionnaires of the participants were closed and anonymous.
The results of the study and their discussion. The constructive or design component is the most important in pedagogical activity, therefore, one of the first tasks set by us in the study was to find out whether coaches generally use planning for macro-, meso- and microcycles in their practice. The figures obtained during the survey give a clear idea of the obvious violation of the entire educational and pedagogical process - 44% of the invited participants do not use planning at all. In this case, it is completely unclear how the coaches build the training process, what goal they are trying to achieve together with their students.
To determine the level of the organizational component, we selected an athlete's diary (self-control diary) and a coach's diary. Moreover, the latter tool reflects not only the organizational abilities of the teacher, but also the gnostic component of his activity, and the design. The trainer's diary, where each training session, the volume of loads and other important components of the training process are recorded, is "in service" only 58% of respondents. The reasonable conclusion that has to be made is that the remaining 42% do not record anything at all. We also have to state the fact that modern coaches have begun to neglect another important tool in achieving this goal – the athlete's diary.
The gnostic component of the coach's pedagogical activity – determining the advantages and disadvantages of his activity, analysis and making adjustments – was determined through the process of studying methodological literature. Unfortunately, we have to state a very low percentage of coaches who regularly study sports literature – 64%. Nevertheless, it is worth noting the high communicative competencies of the participants in the experiment. Only 10% allow obscene language in the classroom, and 74% keep in close contact with their parents. The motor component has not been studied by us, as it requires a separate methodology for organizing the study.
Conclusion. The main components of the coach's pedagogical activity – such as design, organizational and gnostic – require significant improvement, exactly like the coaching refresher courses should be adjusted to take into account the identified problems.


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