Readiness to participate in mass events of students in the conditions of physical culture and recreational activities
PhD, Associate Professor L.G. Pashchenko
Nizhnevartovsk State University, Nizhnevartovsk
Objective of the study was to identification of potential readiness for participation in mass physical culture and sports events of university students in the conditions of physical culture and recreational activities.
Methods and structure of the study. To assess the physical activity of the student, the manifestation of interest in participating in mass physical culture and sports events, a survey was conducted using the questionnaire "Attitude towards competitive physical culture and sports activities." The study involved 230 1st-4th year students of the Nizhnevartovsk State University.
Results and conclusions. The survey showed that among students engaged in physical culture and recreational activities under the guidance of specialists, the number of potential participants in mass physical culture and sports events is greater compared to those who use the means of physical culture and sports at their leisure on their own. The parameters of the functional state of students, whose leisure physical activity is under the supervision of specialists, differ in optimal values and are not inferior to those of student-athletes. For students who independently use the means of physical culture and sports during extracurricular time, the objective indicators of the functional state of the body are significantly lower than the values of their peers involved in sports, and do not differ from the indicators of students with limited physical activity. The study showed a greater willingness to participate in mass physical culture and sports activities of students whose leisure physical activity is under the supervision of specialists. At the same time, pedagogical support is required for the physical culture and recreational activities of students who independently use the means of physical culture and sports during extracurricular time.
Keywords: readiness, extracurricular competitive physical culture and sports activities, physical culture and recreational activities, physical condition, attitude to competitive activities.
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