Sports and outdoor games as a means of efficient preparation of students to pass GTO standards
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Ryzhkin1
V.G. Khustochkin1
E.P. Raskita1
O.N. Pleskacheva1
1Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don
Objective of the study was to substantiate the use of means of sports and outdoor games in the physical education of students of a technical university for the effective implementation of the standards of the VFSK "GTO".
Methods and structure of the study. The pilot study involved 1-2 year full-time students of the Don State Technical University, consisting of 128 people of various technical specialties. The content of the curriculum for the discipline "Physical Education" included special basketball and volleyball training tools, as well as outdoor games with elements of the sports games under consideration, aimed at the accentuated development of physical qualities and abilities, allowing to increase the level of students' motor fitness. In the process of training, an analysis was made of the implementation of the standards of the VFSK "GTO".
Results and conclusions. After the completion of the experiment, the students showed a significant increase in all the studied indicators in the tests (running for 100 m, running for 3000 m, pulling up from a hang on a high bar, long jump from a place with a push of two legs, lifting the body from a supine position, swimming on 50 m). The results of the study confirmed the high efficiency of integrating the means of sports and outdoor games into the curriculum of the discipline "Physical Education" of students of a technical university, which contributes to the fulfillment by men and women of the standards of the VFSK "GTO" for a gold badge.
Keywords: students, technical university, physical education, All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (VFSK "GTO"), sports and outdoor games, training aids.
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