The concept of the information system "" and its mobile version to involve the population in motor activity


PhD, Associate Professor E.N. Latushkina1,2
Dr. Hab., Professor O.N. Stepanova1,3
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Parakhina2
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
3Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate the possibilities of the information system "" for effective planning of motor activity of the general population.
Results and conclusions. The information system "" and its mobile version are practice-oriented recommendations for planning the physical activity of the general population, taking into account the initial level of physical fitness, age, gender and health of those involved. "" is focused on involving the population in systematic physical culture and sports, popularization of types of physical activity, activation of mass sports work, organization of systematic physical exercises and sports, development of motivation for maintaining a healthy physically active lifestyle, preparation and implementation of standards All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for work and defense". With the help of "" you can exercise control and self-control of physical activity, select the optimal mode of practicing a chosen type of physical activity during the day, week, month and year. Potential users of the information system and its mobile version can be: individuals of both sexes aged from three to 75 years and older, families, groups of people involved in various types of physical activity and sports, legal entities engaged in work in the field of additional education, physical culture and mass sports.

Keywords: physical activity, popular sports, software products for providing physical exercises and sports, information system "".


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