Sex differences in the cardiorespiratory system and walking cadence in the elderly


PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Snigirev1
Dr. Biol., Professor S.I. Loginov2
PhD A.S. Kintyuhin1
PhD A.Yu. Nikolaev1
1Surgut State University, Surgut
2Vladimir State University, Vladimir

Objective of the study was to find out the dependence of energy consumption on walking cadence in a sample of elderly people in the city of Surgut.
Methods and structure of the study. In a sample of elderly people (n=31, age 64.7±5.26 years), the relationship between walking cadence and its metabolic cost in the range of 3-6 METs was studied. Participants walked on the treadmill at a speed of 2÷7 km/h for 5 minutes at each speed. Oxygen consumption, respiratory rate and heart rate were recorded, and step parameters were determined (full step duration, mode amplitude, walking index, step duration, leg support duration, leg swing duration). Leg length, body length and weight were measured.
Results and conclusions. It has been established that with an increase in walking speed, the value of the studied parameters increases (t test, p<0.05). The dependence of energy expenditure (E, MET) on the magnitude of the walking cadence (KH, step / min) is displayed by equations of the form: E = 15.9-0.32KH + 0.002KH2 for men and E = 16.3-0.34KH + 0.002KH2 in women, the Walking index with a change in speed from 2 to 6 km/h increases by 7.1 times in men and 10.2 times in women, which may indicate the tension of the neurolocomotor mechanisms of regulation of walking with increasing speed. In the conditions of the North, elderly people can be recommended to walk with a cadence of 100-125 steps / min in the intensity range from 3 to 5 METs with a walking index in the range of 960-1000 c.u. in men and women. Walking at a cost of 6 METs is undesirable.

Keywords: cadence, walking, walking index, O2 consumption, elderly.


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