Educational technologies in universities with sports training: challenges of the time
L.N. Shvetsova1
1Moscow University for Industriy and Finance "Synergy", Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Keywords: systemic civilizational crisis, distance learning, educational technologies, off-line learning, pandemic.
Introduction. The threat of the spread of viral diseases in recent years has made it necessary to switch to distance learning of all educational institutions, including sports-oriented universities.
The purpose of the study is the actualization of educational technologies using the distance learning format in a sports university.
The results of the study and their discussion. Responding to the challenges of the time, the transition to distance learning marked the actualization of the development and application of innovative educational technologies based on electronic means, which were an addition to traditional ways of learning in a university.
Within the framework of discussions about the prospects of education in the XXI century, both scientists and philosophers associated them with innovative technologies that will allow them to more effectively solve the tasks of training future specialists. The outstanding Russian philosopher V.A. Kutyrev describes the mood of these discussions as follows: "It is assumed that educational networks, multimedia terminals will allow a person to gain knowledge anywhere and at any time. His presence in special classes and classrooms will be optional. The possibility of an almost unlimited choice of the best programs, according to world standards, will open up, and their accumulation will lead to the displacement of professors and teachers as carriers of more limited knowledge" [2, p. 173].
In addition, the training of future specialists, including in universities with sports training, requires the adequate use of educational technologies as a response to the challenges of the present and subsequent times, when "big challenges create significant risks for society, the economy, the system of state regulation" [1, p. 5].
Conclusion. Distance learning, which initially was a forced, short-term measure to support the educational process in a sports university, nevertheless has firmly established itself in the educational system. Along with this, it helped to realize the importance of a lively dialogue between the student and the teacher, between the students themselves in the off-line mode, which consists in the possibility of effective control, quick correction and assistance from the teacher in the students' practical tasks.
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