Prestart conditioning model for para sports with special psychological follow-up tools
PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Vinokurov1
PhD A.L. Lebedeva1
1St. Petersburg Research Institute of Physical Culture, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to provide theoretical and provisions for a descriptive instant prestart conditioning model for Para sports using special psychological follow-up tools, and test it on a sample of blind and partially sighted elite Para judokas.
Methods and structure of the study. We provided the psychological follow-up service under the national blind and partially sighted elite judokas service contract of 2019 for 2.5 precompetitive weeks prior to the major competitions.
Results and conclusion. The study generated a stage-specific efficient prestart conditioning model toolkit, with every tool practically tested in the precompetitive fever/ apathy correction service. The prestart conditioning model was tested beneficial as verified by the meaningful progress of the sample in the prestart fever control and must-win mind-setting aspects.
Keywords: short-term follow-up, prestart fever, Para athlete, psychological correction, blind and partially sighted sports.
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