Student team sports: speed-strength endurance typing with genetic markers
Dr.Hab., Professor S.I. Filimonova1
Associate Professor Y.O. Averyasova1
Y.B. Almazova1
Professor V. Ginevichene2
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Department of Human and Medical Genetics, Institute of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, Vilnius, 01513, Lithuania
Objective of the study was to type speed-strength endurance in student team sports using a set of genetic markers.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled the 1-2-year Plekhanov Russian University of Economics’ students (n= 52) qualified for the university hockey, basketball, volleyball, football and other teams, and classified them using mathematical modeling on unlabeled stochastic matrices and a genetic analysis.
Results and conclusion. We formed, for the purposes of the study, a labeled stochastic matrix including an extensive data array to cover every possible speed-strength endurance combination. As a result, we typed the speed-strength endurance as follows: Type I "Sports talent" that means the generously gifted individuals; Type II "Sports giftedness", Type III "Sports mediocrity"; and Type IV "No sports gifts".
We would recommend this speed-strength endurance typing method for academic sports selection system optimizing purposes in every sports discipline with the relevant benefits for the gift-specific customized training systems and competitive success.
Keywords: genetic research, students, athletes, typing, speed-strength endurance.
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