Influence of temperament types on competitive performance in belt wrestling


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor I.E. Konovalov1
PhD G.B. Suleymanov1
PhD, Professor Y.V. Boltikov1
Dr. Hab., Professor I.A. Cherkashin2
1Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Kazan
2North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutia

Objective of the study was to find the key factors of influence on the competitive performance in belt wrestling, with a special priority to the temperament typing tests
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the experiment at Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism qualified belt wrestlers (n=40) whose temperaments were tested by computerized D&K-TEST system followed by a factor analysis of the resultant 44 test rates provisionally grouped into: general and special physical fitness; physical reserves and functionality; physical working capacity and aerobic endurance; stress tolerance under growing pressure; mental/ emotional state; mental fitness and anxiety; and competitive performance.
Results and conclusion. The factor analysis found the phlegmatic-choleric temperament type (introvert) most beneficial for the long hard work with high speed, risk-taking abilities and high success motivations.
The study found benefits of the temperament typing tests and factor analysis since they help timely and efficiently individualize the belt wrestling training systems for competitive progress.

Keywords: belt wrestling, temperament type, factor analysis, training system.


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