New running training model for military and customs service personnel to get fit for standard qualification tests


PhD, Associate Professor V.P. Demesh1
PhD, Associate Professor O.N. Ustinova2
PhD, Professor I.N. Venediktov3
A.G. Sergeeva1
1Russian Customs Academy, St. Petersburg
2Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
3Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to test benefits of a new running training model for the military and customs service personnel to get fit for the standard qualification tests.
Methods and structure of the study. We formed a Reference Group (RG) of the customs and military academy cadets tested poor by the 100m sprint test (14.53±0.44s on average); and an Experimental Group (EG) of their peers tested even poorer (14.98±0.54s on average) plus lagging behind in the special endurance tests. Benefits of the new running training model were tested by the pre- versus post-experimental 100m sprint tests
Results and conclusion. We rated, based on the pre-experimental physical fitness test data differences of the customs and military cadets, the adaptabilities in the sample and developed the customizable running training model applicable as complementary to the standard physical training curricula. The running training model testing experiment showed that the focused 100m sprint workouts are beneficial when the training service is systemic, well designed and managed on a reasonably individualized basis.

Keywords: students, military personnel, customs personnel, physical training, standard qualification tests, running.


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