Specialized training model for youth triathlon with focused running workouts
PhD N.Y. Petrov1
PhD, Associate Professor I.A. Fatyanov1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.V. Chemov1
1Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd
Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of a new specialized training system model for junior triathlon with focused running workouts.
Methods and structure of the study. We used the following study methods: analytical overview of the relevant theoretical and practical study reports; questionnaire survey; progress tests; certified Forerunner 735XT wrist run tracker with a GPS and heart rate monitor; training model testing experiment; and the standard mathematical statistical data processing toolkit.
Results and conclusion. The study data were used to develop and pilot the specialized training model for junior triathletes qualified for specialized training (excellence) groups. The specialized training model was found beneficial as verified by progress of the sample in the running and cycling events and triathlon on the whole. The study demonstrated benefits of the running workouts prioritizing training system for triathletes entering the sport specialization stage.
Keywords: triathlon (JT), youth triathletes, specialized training model for junior triathletes, running workout.
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