Development of physical education and sports in Russian province in XIX - early xx century in contemporary domestic historiography
PhD, Associate Professor E.M. Berestova1
PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Batalova1
PhD, Associate Professor T.I. Okonnikova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.R. Rogozina1
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk
Objective of the study was to identify the main approaches used by modern domestic researchers in studying the history of the development of physical culture and sport in the Russian province in the late XIX - early XX centuries.
Methods and structure of the study. The study uses a comparative-historical methodology of historiographic analysis.
Results and conclusions. In the modern domestic historiography of the development of physical culture and sport in the Russian province in the late XIX - early XX centuries, three basic approaches can be identified: historical, cultural and historical-pedagogical. Within the first approach, the researchers present the results of the analysis of the archived and published documents on the specific problems of the development of physical culture and sport, using both Russian materials and data on individual cities and provinces of the Russian empire. Within the second approach, the researchers study physical culture and sport from a cultural perspective. The third approach examines the methodological aspects and pedagogical techniques of physical education and sports classes in the Russian empire. The study shows that, in recent decades, domestic historiography has made significant progress in studying this issue; however, there are still insufficiently studied aspects and promising directions in the history of the Russian physical culture and sport that require further study.
Keywords: physical education, sports, history, the Russian empire, historiography.
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