Attitudes of future physical education teachers towards teacher-student interaction in university environments
Dr. Hab., Professor G.N. Ponomarev1
Dr. Hab., Professor N.F. Radionova1
PhD S.V. Rivkina1
1State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to identify the attitudes of future physical education teachers towards teacher-student interaction in the academic educational process and offer possible ways to consider these attitudes in the vocational training of students.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment was run at the premises of the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. Subject to the experiment were the 1st-4th-year students, who had been previously trained remotely due to the pandemic (n=80). The attitudes of the future physical education teachers to teacher-student interaction in university environments were determined using a specially developed program, which included several groups of questions aimed to identify various aspects of teacher-student interaction.
Results and conclusions. The students, future physical education teachers, were found to be very positive about the teacher-student interaction in the educational process in the university. The students were quite satisfied with the nature of the business and interpersonal interaction, but mutual understanding turned out to be a pressing issue for them. The students' attitudes towards teacher-student interaction varied considerably from course to course: preferences, degree of satisfaction, and the importance of problems varied. This necessitates a systematic study of students’ attitudes towards various aspects of their vocational training and a differentiated approach to the construction of the educational process.
Keywords: vocational training of future university teachers, academic educational process, pedagogical interaction, teacher-student interaction in educational process, students’ attitudes towards teacher-student interaction.
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