Special physical fitness in mas-wrestling sport: gender group tests and analysis
Y.Y. Zakharova1
PhD A.A. Zakharov1
A.V. Burnashev1
Associate Professor V.N. Alekseev2
1North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk
2Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Churapcha
Objective of the study was to test and analyze special physical fitness in mas-wrestling gender groups.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the study the local MW elite (n=23, including 10 women and 13 men ‘Maadyny’) qualified Class I to Master of Sports and tested their physical fitness by dynamometric plate AMTI to obtain: pull strength averages on a per-second scale, top strengths, intensity indices; and endurance indices.
Results and conclusion. The tests found the gender-specific top strength gap of 42% in favor or the men’s group, with the gap averaging 36–38% in the top-class gender subgroups. The 12-second test found a meaningful (and more expressed than in the men’s group) final fall in the pull strength in the women’s group; albeit not in every one. The pull strength profiles were time-zoned as follows: zone 1: first second; zone 3: seconds 2-7; zone 3: seconds 8-9; and zone 4: seconds 10-12. The pull strength profiles with the time-zoned peaks and lows were found indicative of the individual special physical fitness and beneficial for the special physical training system design and management purposes.
Keywords: physical training, women’s sport, dynamometric plate, tests, intensity, sexual dimorphism.
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