Covid-19 related training service restrictions: effects on competitive technical scores in elite women’s freestyle wrestlingive technical scores in elite women’s freestyle wrestling


Dr. Hab., Professor, Honored Trainer of the Russian Federation B.I. Tarakanov1
Dr. Hab., Professor R.N. Apoyko1
PhD, Professor S.I. Petrov1
Postgraduate student V.S. Koblova1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to analyze effects of the COVID-19 related training service restrictions on the competitive technical scores in the women’s freestyle wrestling elite.
Methods and structure of the study. We collected the input data for analysis from the refereeing protocols and video captures of the Russian Freestyle Wrestling Championship (RFWC) that was rescheduled from May to September 2020 as a result of the pandemic. The RFWC-2020 records reported 152 competitors and 179 bouts in all weight classes. The input data was used to compute the competitive technical scores as recommended by the leading experts to produce: total/ scoring technical and tactical actions; competitive technical and tactical actions scoring ratios; technical and tactical actions averages per bout and minute; technical and tactical actions success rates; attack-to-attack intervals; average bout time, etc. We analyzed the women’s freestyle wrestling elite’s competitive performance data for the RFWC-2020 versus the pre-pandemic RFWC-2018 to rate the regress in the competitive performance due to the COVID-19 related training service restrictions.
Results and conclusion. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has heavily restricted social contacts and physical activity the world over and forced the sporting communities to limit and adapt the training systems as required by the lockdown and self-isolation regulations. As a result, the special training service has been heavily limited at detriment to the competitive performance in many sports including the national elite women’s freestyle wrestling sport. Our study has found, however, that the forced limitations of the training service have had their ‘silver lining’ in some aspects. On the positive side, we would mention growth in the numbers of qualifiers for the national women’s freestyle wrestling championship due to rehabilitation of chronic injuries; and higher competitive motivations, with the athletes clearly eager to compete after the long forced break. On the negative side, we found a significant drop in many competitive performance indicators with the inevitable sags in the competitive activity and scoring actions. The study data and analyses are recommended for consideration by the elite freestyle wrestling and coaches in their preparations for the upcoming World Wrestling Championship and Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Keywords: female wrestler, competitive performance, pandemic, competitive technical scores, analysis, Championship, results, activity.


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