Modern physical education process modeling through integration of Russian and Chinese theories and practices
Dr. Sc. Soc., Professor I.V. Leskova1
Senior health Manager of China, Wushu champion of China Zhong Lei2
Dr. Hab., Professor A.A. Peredelskiy3
Postgraduate student N.Y. Barieva4
PhD E.V. Maksimova5
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
3Russian State Agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev, Moscow
4Michurinsk State Agrarian University, Michurinsk
5Moscow city Pedagogical University, Moscow
Objective of the study was to provide theoretical substantiation of modeling of the physical education process through the integration of the oriental health practices.
Methods and structure of the study. The study included an analysis of the relevant Russian and Chinese theories and practices in the field of physical training with the elements of martial arts. The analysis was based on the theoretical and empiric material by the domestic authors, in the context of the types of motor (or psychophysical) activity, human ontokinesiology basics developed by V.K. Balsevich, and the concept of sportization of physical education.
Results and conclusions. The theoretical and methodological system-forming background to the physical education process modeling was the field-specific integration of the generalized Chinese cultural model of martial arts (combat sports) training and Russian theoretical-practical concepts of locomotor activity, ontokinesiology, and sportization. There is a high-degree similarity between the Russian and Chinese cultural and pedagogical approaches, which indicates the fundamental possibility of integrative modeling.
Keywords: physical education, integration, Chinese psychagogy, ontokinesiology, locomotor activity, sportization.
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