Motor skills training model to improve school physical education service quality


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor V.A. Kudinova1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.Y. Karpov2
PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Boldov3
N.N. Marinina2
1Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture, Volgograd
2Russian State Social University, Moscow
3Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow

Objective of the study was to substantiate and analyze benefits of a new motor skills training model to improve the school physical education service quality.
Methods and structure of the study. The new motor skills training model includes the physical education teaching mastery, physical exercise difficulty and motor giftedness tests, with each aspect rated on a 10-point scale and verified by an expert team of university professors and experience school physical education teachers. The motor skills difficulty levels were ranked by the primary error rates. The school motor activity was rated by enthusiasm/ determination in the physical education practices, and the motor giftedness was classified by the time costs of specific physical exercises, with every success in the physical exercises scored on a 10-point scale. Prior to and after every physical exercises, we rated the physical education teaching mastery, trainees’ motor gifts and motor skills difficulty levels, with the individual progresses in every physical exercises per session being indicative of the motor skills training abilities/ progress.  
Results and conclusion. The new motor skills training model was tested beneficial for the school physical education service. The motor skills progress testes in the school physical education course are recommended to be complemented by the physical education teaching mastery tests/ expert valuations, motor skills difficulty rankings and the trainees’ motor giftedness tests.

Keywords: assessment, efficiency, technique of motor actions, schoolchildren, physical education teacher, criteria.


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