Regional continuous physical education system: functioning principles


PhD, Associate Professor D.N. Platonov1
Dr. Hab., Professor A.N. Tambovskiy2
Dr. Hab., Professor I.A. Cherkashin1, 2, 3, 4
1Arctic State Agrotechnological University, Yakutsk
2Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, Malakhovka, Moscow Region
3North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk
4Churapcha State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, Yakutsk

Objective of the study was to improve the effectiveness of the regional system of training of the physical education and sports service personnel in the Republic of Sakha by developing the principles of its functioning and the mechanism for their implementation under current socio-economic conditions.
Methods and structure of the study. The republican educational institutions that train physical education and sports specialists (Republican Specialized School (College) of Olympic Reserve named after R.M. Dmitriev, Yakut and Vilyuysk Pedagogical Colleges, Institute of Physical Education and Sports of Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University), a number of educational institutions of the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sport and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Sakha served as the experimental facilities.
Results and conclusions. Eight principles of effective functioning of the regional physical education system were formulated, as well as the conditions for the implementation of the stated principles. The list of the selected conditions for the practical realization of the principles of efficient functioning of the regional system of training of the physical education and sports service personnel will change both quantitatively and substantively, i.e. will be the subject of a separate independent study. The performance of the regional education system in the continuous training of physical education and sports specialists, which is, in fact, a multi-structural entity, does not depend solely on the interrelationships between its components and the principles of its functioning but also on the mechanism of implementation of these principles and specific conditions of the Republic of Sakha. At the same time, in developing the proposed principles, the existing socio-economic conditions in Russia and the corresponding population demands were taken into account.

Keywords: functioning principles, Republic of Sakha, regional education system, physical education and sports, personnel training.


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